Here to make YOU a better powerlifter.


Repeatable and predictable.

Not everybody is cut from the same cloth… So why should your programme be?

Working with you, we will explore different types of training strategies that will increase your strength and understanding of how you function.

The more ideas we explore, the more reliable sources we have to reference and go back to when the performance is needed.

A bit about me.

Powerlifting has become the major passion of mine since starting 6 years ago. I knew it was more than just a hobby and wanted to fully embrace coaching others, who are as invested in the sport as I am. I have privately coached and trained people from all walks of life and experienced the saying first hand, “everyone is different” in a sense that is specific to powerlifting. The last 4 years of experience has only bolstered that passion for helping others.

- Josh

Book a free consultation!

As much as you can learn about us from this website, nothing quite matches speaking to someone 1-to-1…

So get in touch and we’ll find a time that works best, then we’ll speak to you directly via Google Meet !

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