Our approach to powerlifting.

It’s a little different to what you might be used to…

We don’t work backwards, we build up from the bottom and find out what really works.

Online coaching is first and foremost, a service to you. We ensure that this service is thought out, personalised and engaging.

So without hiding anything, this is the process we take for each and every athlete.

Learn about you.

We start by talking with you 1-1 and finding out a few details. This information allows us to optimise the training plan so that it works best for you. We know that life throws problems at everyone, and having the freedom to train can quickly become a luxury in most schedules. Your sessions will revolve around your work and life balance in the most efficient way we can find.

Write a plan.

Each session has a purpose. We hand pick exercises, RPE’s, sets, reps and all the rest, just leaving you to show up and put the work in. Your training plan will be directly inspired by the feedback we get from YOU. Moving along fluidly each week so we can maximise your potential under any circumstance.


We hold communication as one of our highest priorities, never overlooking your thoughts and opinions. The contact we give makes it feel as though there is always someone in your corner. Our time is your time, to ensure we are always on the same page.


Welcome, to the Forged HQ.

Everything you need, all the time, in one place.


Using RPE.

RPE is more than just a means of deciding what load should be on the bar. We use it as a method for building confidence and decision making when it comes to the heat of the moment. A coach will not always be there to dictate the weight for the next set, so gauging RPE is a skill we deem essential for growing as an athlete.


Goal setting.

We take powerlifting seriously…(most of the time). The process needs to be fun as well as having purpose. We solidify this by setting small goals for each week, factoring into an overarching goal for that training block. Devoting time to individual weaknesses will lead to a better overall performance. Being spread too thin is no good to any competitive lifter.

Total transparency.

You know yourself better than anyone, we don’t. Each session of each week is an opportunity for US to learn from YOU. We don’t shy away from the details because your feedback is what allows us to push forward. The answers might not always be immediately apparent, but we adapt to give you the best possible service.


Book a free consultation!

As much as you can learn about us from this website, nothing quite matches speaking to someone 1-to-1…

So get in touch and we’ll find a time that works best, then we’ll speak to you directly via google meet!

p.s. Don’t worry, it’s free!


Marcus W.

“This lad has literally helped me become twice as strong in only a year. I have gained so much confidence and finally ENJOY training at the gym. I am finally MOTIVATED to turn up and put the graft in and it’s all because of Josh’s support.”

Any Questions?

Send us an email with any questions or DM us on instagram!